Saturday, July 15, 2006

Would you believe . . .

These two skeins of yarn are a very vibrant deep royal purple of very nearly the same shade.

And just to make things interesting, I've placed the two purple skeins next to two blue skeins of yarn. The two blue skeins are very different shades. The leftover skein in the front is pretty much a true blue. The skein in the back has more green to it but it is a really deep vibrant color. Neither one is washed out like the colors in the photo.

And just to keep things interesting, I put the skeins on the end of my coffee table in a patch of sunshine coming through the window in my living room. The purple looks purplish, but all the colors are still washed out.

So then I thought I'd take these little fellows outside to see what shaded daylight would do for the colors. This snap is of them sitting on the hood of the Prodigal's car.

And this is of them sitting on the trunk of my car. Notice how my car doesn't look the green that it actually is.

And lastly, I brought them back in and sat them against a white wall just to see what would happen.

So there you have the saga of the yarn and the camera that can't capture color.

Someone know a good 12 step program?

I need one. I am a full-fledged stashaholic. Seven new additions received this week.

I can't get over how bad the pictures taken with my camera are. It distorts color like nobody's business.

As almost always, this yarn comes from kbrece at Kindred Spirits Yarn.